Mi-a fost lansata povocarea de a face o scurta prezentare despre mine, in scris. E bine-venita o astfel de initiativa din cand in cand, mai ales cand anumite variabile din ecosistemul nostru se schimba. Iata rezultatul meu: I believe that inside each of us there is a huge potential to succeed and we have the necessary resources to achieve our goals towards success. Sometimes, our intenal resources are not used to their full potential, either because we are not fully aware of them, or because we look in the wrong direction. I support individuals in evolving towards their full potential and reaching their goals, by mentoring and coaching, CV/ resume review, personal branding and career development. I support all-sized oganizations in implementing and maintaining management systems, through advisory services, business consultancy, business continuity, risk management, crisis management, coaching, training. One of my passions is to support young managers and management professionals to def...
Dezvoltare personala, dezvoltare profesionala, business learning, tips&tricks, coaching, consultanta