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Page in the Book of Wisdom: About criticism

The world is quick to criticise and find fault, and much slower to praise and find the positive.

Everyone will experience criticism sooner or later in life.

Those who are lucky enough to succeed or become quote, will likely experience more criticism than the rest.

You will find the one thing people love more than pointing out other's mistakes is when they can do it to someone who's achieved more than them.

However, the person who criticises others is only revealing the lack within themselves. Those who are happy within themselves need not to point out the faults in others.

photo source: pexels

Remember 3 things:

1. Try to notice the good in others. If someone makes a mistake, try to let them know in a kind way. Praise more than you blame.

2. When - not if, but when - you're criticised, remember the good in you. Remember your great qualities. Remember you're worthy and capable of great things.

3. Remember criticism is something that you can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing.

So dream big, get out there, live your life, see how far you xan push the limits. Don't fear criticism, but know when it comes, it's the result of your success, not your failures.

Be the person who encourages others, who chooses to see the good in the world and speak it out loud.

Be frequent in your praise and thoughtful in your criticism.

#wisdom #selfcoaching #bookofwisdom

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